Github searching case study
Case introduction In this case, there is a search bar above and a display bar below. After searching, the user’s avatar and username will be displayed. Click on the avatar to enter the user’s homep
Derek Zhu
Case introduction In this case, there is a search bar above and a display bar below. After searching, the user’s avatar and username will be displayed. Click on the avatar to enter the user’s homep
Ajax requests in React React needs to integrate a third-party ajax library or package it yourself. Generally use axios. Reason for Proxy cross domain If the proxy is not configured, cross-domain i
Data in React state cannot be changed directly The code in the example is to directly change (wrong) 1234changeWeather(){ const isHot=this.state.isHotthis.state.Hot=!isHot //Error!console.l
Create class components If the class defines the component, the class must inherit React’s built-in class: React.Component 1class MyComponent extends React. Component{} Among them, the co
Console output class Red represents that the output is an instance object, and blue represents who created the instance object. Person {} If the constructor of the class does not receive parameter
**Why React uses JSX instead of native JS? ** Case 1: Create the following example with JS and JSX 123<div id="test"> <h1 id="title">Hello,React</h1></div
React Family Bucket React core React- Router routing library PubSub message management library Redux centralized state management library Ant-Design UI component library React definition React: A