Category: JS/TS


Traverse objects and arrays

Traverse the object: for…in loops through the object’s own and inherited enumerable properties Loops through the object’s own and inherited enumerable properties (excluding Symbol properties). 123


Promise Advanced

Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled() Promise.all and Promise.allSettled are both methods for handling multiple concurrent Promises, but they differ in how they handle successful and failed Promis


Promise basic

Promise: A new solution for asynchronous programming introduced in ES6. Promises are mainly to solve the previous problem of callback hell. Promise is a constructor that encapsulates an asynchronous


Spread operator

Spread operator … (array) The spread operator can split an array or array-like structure into a comma-separated sequence of arguments. 12const arr = [1, 2, 3];console.log(...arr) //result is 1 2 3


Arrow Functions, Rest params

Extensions to Functions: Arrow Functions => 123let fn = function(m){return m}; //ordinary functionlet fn = (m) => {return m} //complete writing of arrow functionlet fn


Let, Const, Destructuring assignment

Declares variable a by ‘let’ let is the new way to declare variables in ES6, replacing var. 1234let a;let b, c, d;let e = 100;let f = 521, g = 'iloveyou', h = []; var: allows repeated de



Closure When a function is defined, it holds a reference to the external environment in which it exists. This means that a function can access variables in the scope in which it is defined, and thi



Definition of function In JavaScript, a function is a reusable piece of code that can be called multiple times. It can accept inputs (called parameters), process these inputs, and return a result (



Determine the type of variable typeof operator. Used to determine whether a variable is a primitive type or an object type. 1console.log(typeof(a)) instanceof operator: Mainly used to detect whet



Relational Operators basic: > < >= <= == === (same as ==, but does not allow any type conversions) != (opposite of ==) !== (opposite of ===) == is to determine whether the values ar