Category: JS/TS



Variable naming Variable names can be capitalized because JS is case-sensitive. Variable assignment = is an assignment symbol. The usage is to assign the value on the right side of the equal sign


Basic knowledge

HTML CSS is not a programming language JavaScript is a programming language (browser programming language). Web pages written in HTML CSS do not have any functionality. All functions have to be don


TS in React

React.FC Description is not a regular function, but a functional component. There must be a return value. 123const TodoList: React.FC = () => { return <div></div>};


Generic Utility Types

Generic Utility Types Generic Utility Types Generic utility types can be used to process and transform different types of data. These generic utility types are generic because all they do is take t



Concept of Generics A Generic type is a type that has some relationship to other types and is very flexible as to what other types are. TS has built-in generic types: Array The main type is Array,



interface An interface is a grammatical structure used to describe the shape of an object. It defines what properties and methods an object should have, as well as their type. Interfaces can be use



Inheritance Inheritance is used to create subclasses of a class. The subclass has the properties and methods of the parent class, and also has the exclusive properties and methods of the subclass.