

Stripe webhook

Using webhooks First search for stripe cli, find the relevant version, download and unzip it. Select the x86_64 version. Enter cmd in the folder where the unzipped file is located, then enter stripe


Stripe hosted page front-end

Stripe hosted checkout: Front-end The frontend receives the sessionID and uses this id to redirect the user to the stripe checkout page. The front-end needs to be packaged as follows: stripe packag


Stripe hosted page back-end

Stripe hosted checkout: Back-end Provides a pre-build hosted payment page that can be used for a one-time payment or subscription. The advantage is that there is no need to create a custom integrati


Introduction to Stripe

Introduce Stripe code consists of two parts: front-end and back-end. The front end tokenizes customer information and uses stripe elements to collect sensitive information. General flow All pa


Database migration

Database Migration Database migrations provide a way to incrementally update the database schema and keep it in sync with the application data model, while preserving the existing data in our databa


Add index to Schema

index Indexes are special lookup tables that database search engines can use to speed up data retrieval. Without an index, Mongo must perform a collection scan, which means it must scan every docume



Transaction We perform multiple operations on the database, making sure they only happen if everything is successful. A database transaction represents a unit of work performed in a database managem


Mongoose model

Data model schema These models are responsible for creating, reading and deleting documents from the Mongo database. We need to create a schema first. The schema can be created manually using NestJS


Docker Mongoose

Docker containerization The benefits of using Docker: flexible, lightweight, portable, loosely coupled. They can be built locally to the cloud and run anywhere, and finally containers are loosely co