Data in React state cannot be changed directly The code in the example is to directly change (wrong) 1234changeWeather(){ const isHot=this.state.isHotthis.state.Hot=!isHot //Error!console.l
Derek Zhu
Data in React state cannot be changed directly The code in the example is to directly change (wrong) 1234changeWeather(){ const isHot=this.state.isHotthis.state.Hot=!isHot //Error!console.l
Create class components If the class defines the component, the class must inherit React’s built-in class: React.Component 1class MyComponent extends React. Component{} Among them, the co
Console output class Red represents that the output is an instance object, and blue represents who created the instance object. Person {} If the constructor of the class does not receive parameter
**Why React uses JSX instead of native JS? ** Case 1: Create the following example with JS and JSX 123<div id="test"> <h1 id="title">Hello,React</h1></div
React Family Bucket React core React- Router routing library PubSub message management library Redux centralized state management library Ant-Design UI component library React definition React: A